Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:57 pm


  • Topics
  • 20190602
     Global announcement:
    absurdOnline Welcom10

    by Lucretia Dalencourt - Comments: 2 - Views: 4085
  • 20210518
     Global announcement:

    We play #TheGame23 - The Game of Games  

    It´s an Infinite Meta-Game. It spreads itself and is created from the intertwining of other games, such as #00AG9603, #infinity23, Aaní, Galdrux, KSTXI, OpMiMiC, Post-Neoism, #QuantumSchizophrenia, Reality Ranglers, Reality Glitch Hack, The Omniquery Initiative, Cosmic Liminality, The Institute for Folly, Eris unveiled, #MKFawkes, Cicada...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 4 - Views: 14611
  • 20211028
    By 3gr3gor

    Operation DISTANCE (Dataplex Inter-Sigil Techno-Arcane Neural Connection Engineering) is going to save the world.

    We live in frighteningly liminal times, increasingly cut off from the familiar ways of the past, and facing a future few people can truly prepare for. The exponential advances in human technology we are living through will soon escape humanity’s control, perhaps even our comprehension.

    I am, of course, referring to AI. Already AI are designing the next generation of microchips better and faster than we can. DeepCoder,...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 2 - Views: 4189
  • 20180706
     Global announcement:

    Does society seem boring, dull, unimaginative and perhaps even nightmarishly conformist?

    Do you ever feel as though the universe is one big, sick joke?

    Is everyone around you a Cabbage?

    Can you see the Fnords?

    unless you are

    Greetings fellow mutants, weirdos, rebels, vagabonds, quantum schizophrenics, activists, inactivists, slackers, ragamuffins, hyper-surrealists,...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 1 - Views: 4137
  • 20220114
     Global announcement:
    absurdOnline Do-3gregor

    Yes, we know we're kind of a strange, confusing place. That's pretty much the point. You're welcome to add to the confusion by posting content yourself. The strange and surreal are always encouraged.

    Interactions inside our Memetic Surreal-Machine:registered: contribute to your personal entropic noise. This information is spun into Incoherence Yarns that are then threaded through your profiles, making your analytics as absurd and noisy as possible. We make the future's...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 1 - Views: 2945
  • 20181128
     Global announcement:
    by Sarah Perry (Ribbonfarm)

    Martial artist and folk hero Bruce Lee founded the martial art known as jeet kune do, “the style of no style.” Lee said of his style, “True observation begins when one sheds set patterns, and true freedom of expression occurs when one is beyond systems…I hope to free my comrades from bondage to styles, patterns and doctrines.”

    Compare my friend David Chapman on the post-systematic system of thinking sometimes (probably misleadingly) called postrationalism: “The systematic mode can, should, must be superseded—not by the communal mode,...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 3292
  • 20180708
    absurdOnline 0*HB0a9cgGLc1-NLUd

    Cinematic technique was used in ancient times in temples, (often using autonomous mechanical devices to provide seemingly miraculous results) and played a major role in many of the ancient mystery traditions. Immersive and interactive narratives and participatory experience has been used to create altered states of consciousness and altered experience of reality as far back as history can be traced and arguably into the animal kingdom where young animals often use play to develop skills and develop behaviors...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 3088
  • 20180621


    “Nebulosity” means “cloud-like-ness.” Meaningness is cloud-like. It is real, but impossible to completely pin down.

    Nebulosity is the key to understanding confusions about meaningness.

    “Nebulosity” refers to the intangible, transient, amorphous, non-separable, ambiguous nature of meaningness.1

       From a distance, clouds can look solid; close-up they are mere fog, which can even be so thin it becomes invisible when...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 3007
  • 20100306

    A Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism (dis)Orientation


    #TheGame23 mod 42.5

    "Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 8 - Views: 37909
  • 20170713
     Global announcement:


    Aaní is a word of Tupi origin, meaning “No, Nothing”. It is equivalent to the Greek word Xáos (Chaos), of same meaning. The concept of Chaos was corrupted by time and ignorance, by moralism and the response that “Consensus Reality” gave to movements like Bakunin’s Anarchism, transforming this concept into a synonym for “disorder.” Nowadays, it is known through Quantum Science that Chaos is not clutter, turmoil, or street riot, but it refers to the unpredictability of primordial empty space. Chaos, Aaní, can...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 6225
  • 20170526
     Global announcement:

    absurdOnline 6ef56f18e9d8f37503b9464791cbf6fb

    In this game "there are no rules, unless you want to create them!"

    Here are some creations:

    #TheGame23 Guides:

    Game 23: EXEXTRI

    The Original # TheGame23 by Anonymous

    # TheGame23 Mod 42.5

    - # TheGame23 Mod 42.5 - Hack the reality and recreate...

    by adacic1033 - Comments: 0 - Views: 21487
  • 20170107

       “Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find THE OTHERS”
       – Dr Timothy Leary


    absurdOnline Illuminati1


    “Welcome to the most ancient conspiracy on the planet. We’ve gone for so long now that we don’t remember what we were doing, but we don’t want to stop because we have nothing better to do.”...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 19989
  • 20201112

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 4 - Views: 8236
  • 20100306
    ... ..
    Dentro do Tudismo LinKAOnico Cúbico
    ... ..

    No princípio havia o NADA e o NADA era tudo que havia. Então, de um modo misterioso e secreto, houve o princípio de uma VONTADE e uma CONSCIÊNCIA surgiu dentre o MAR DE NADA.
    Esta consciência após surgir foi se DENSIFICANDO e acabou por EXISTIR "NONADA". E ESTAVA SÓ. E TINHA PODERES ALI. Um deles era fazer o que quisesse com a força de seu pensamento. Podia também se mover em qualquer velocidade dentro...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 8 - Views: 5735
  • 20110124

    Illumination through confusion

    Transcendence through absurd

    Confusion through illumination

    Nonsense through transcendence

    Iluminação através da confusão

    Transcendência através do absurdo

    Confusão através da iluminação

    Absurdo através da transcendência


    Reality Glitch Hack Manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 6149
  • 20100306
    por um congresso de religiões esquisitas!

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 1756
  • 20201117
    ACTION 23 is (maybe) looking for you!

    You are good at: living, doing things, clapping your feet in your headstand, psychonautics, mental avionics or neuro mantics?

    Then beware of us, we might want you.

    We need well-trained specialists from the following professions to implement subversive motives:

    Classically trained fungeriljeras


    Chaot _ inside

    Phools (m/w)

    Activitist _ within

    Chaosnuns (Chuns) / Chaos Monks (Chonks)

    Knights Knights

    Exdoctrinated chaos...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 6368
  • 20110711

    "Poluí o Discordianismo tradicional com elementos de outra filosofia que eu já havia adotado como filosofia de vida, o Epicurismo ou Hedonismo, além de temperar a mistura com questões metafísicas da Física Quântica.

    O Discordianismo Neo-Hedonista Quântico:

    A partir desse choque emergiu uma nova ordem, a minha nova “Religião”: O Discordianismo Neo-Hedonista Quântico.

    As religiões tradicionais trabalham com binômios...

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 2154
  • 20101213
    coletivo fnórdico comedianista

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 1 - Views: 1842
  • 20100306

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 1709
  • 20100306
    Trocadilhos tolos e conduta absurda

    by wodouvhaox - Comments: 0 - Views: 1497

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