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Meaningness.com - Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning: self, society, ethics, purpose, and value

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Meaningness.com - Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning: self, society, ethics, purpose, and value Empty Meaningness.com - Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning: self, society, ethics, purpose, and value

Post by wodouvhaox Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:23 am




“Nebulosity” means “cloud-like-ness.” Meaningness is cloud-like. It is real, but impossible to completely pin down.

Nebulosity is the key to understanding confusions about meaningness.

“Nebulosity” refers to the intangible, transient, amorphous, non-separable, ambiguous nature of meaningness.1

   From a distance, clouds can look solid; close-up they are mere fog, which can even be so thin it becomes invisible when you enter it.
   If you watch a cloud for a few minutes, it may change shape and size, or evaporate into nothing. But it is impossible to find an exact moment at which it ceases to exist.
   Clouds often have vague boundaries and no particular shape.
   It can be impossible to say where one cloud ends and another begins; whether two bits of cloud are connected or not; or to count the number of clouds in a section of the sky.
   It can be impossible to say even whether there is a cloud in a particular place, or not.

Meanings behave in these ways, too.



Meaningness.com - Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning: self, society, ethics, purpose, and value Tudism17

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