KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..
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KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..
A Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism (dis)Orientation
#TheGame23 mod 42.5
"Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke."
- Timóteo Pinto, 'pataphysician galdruxian post-neoist
Project 00AG9603 ::: #TheGame23 Mod 42.5 level 5
00AG9603 main goal is to help you create your "own" Dataplex, a large and bestial hydra made of data and bits, that can devour anyone who is certain enough that can confront its wildly incomprehensive and cryptographic nature. A dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semio-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter in contact with it to explore further into the absurd.
An effective dataplex must work like a higher dimensional spider web, capturing data that comes in contact with its occult nets, twisting and folding everything it touches into continuously moving hyperplanes. it is fed with data, ideas, emotions, dreams... it melts every being that dreams to be solid and finite into an amorfous fluid of efervescent chaos. Therefore, every sentient being can get affected by the forces that comes out of a dataplex. The ability of self-reflection, self analysis and a continuous process of folding itself into layers of incomplete meaning, is what defines a sentient being, the primary target of a dataplex. The first time you acknowledge its existence and sees yourself questioning it, is when you are already infected by its web, unable to make sense of it. Your existence will be fractured, your emotions will be melting into an oniric soup, and all your life will be stripped away from that which you call "I", only to be born again as a hypercomplex web of multiple agents/forces/affects, a fractal-being.
Every single thing in all that exists, is a dot of its own, a lonely and inutile unidimentional point in space. Every connection between things, dualities and paradoxes are of two dimentional complexity, they retain two simultaneous polarities that can only be understood through points of reference. Start expanding vertices as you meld into other dots, and other links, lines, cells... create a vast and rich data ecosphere around your fractal-being, expand, glitch and hack the world around you until you start forming a complex polytope, an alive and incomprehensible dataplex, lost in an infinite flight towards the great unknown.
first it eats like a `̼•. .` ̼ʳˢ̸̷̶̾ͭͣͨ҉҄ ̼̬.`⁄
::::::::::::::::::::: # 00AG9603 Dataplex Network :::::::::::::::::::::
We came from beyond the stars to spread the real fnord.
We are servants of the unnameable.
His words are clean and his forms pure.
IIHMME is our gravity force, in spaces beyond the world of Gagliag.
We have Fnord powers.
Obburah teach us the Spider Way
The lack of Srwakf causes the disease that make us not perceive the true reality.
We are memetic warriors, fighting against the Matrix.
Dementia, word from the late 18th century: from Latin, from demens, dement- ‘out of one’s mind’.
note: which mind?
Since the 1980s, much has been speculated about on the activity of the Russian command on the globe. Many conspiracies, mysteries and absurd experiences is lurking in the minds of ordinary people.
After the Cold War and with the information released by former Russian agent killed by poisoning, brought to light some of the greatest enigmas that the military agencies of the former Soviet Union are included.
What is discussed here is on one of the research groups in the field of neuroscience that the Russian government has been developing over the decades. Not sure if the team still keeps developing research in the area, but some signs indicate that there are still some of the old staff fragments.
research teams are formed in general by teachers and specialists doctors in any specific area. The government provides funds for the search can be performed. If there is no production promoting is cut. Thus works for any research group.
In 1940 a research group led by Professor MOLODKINA began his research in the field of neuroscience about the biochemical behavior when people were exposed front of several scenes that invoke specific feelings such as anxiety, sadness, joy, laughter, sleep, anxiety , anger, hunger, compassion, sexual arousal, etc. Professor Molodkina obtained some interesting results comparing it with the results of Pavlov’s experiment.
A decade later Molodkina had a partnership with POLUKAROV, which had obtained
Around 1995, a group of Russian scientists relying on experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and programming initiated a technical program mentally behavior or induce memory loss through visual codes patterns that stimulate certain regions of the human brain.
Recently some of these experiences were observed in the global internet network with exposing some alleged videos that have been made by the team.
The theory of mental reprogramming is based on results in developer programming, an expert on cyber defense, Eugene Kaspersky. It is not part of the team, as some have speculated, but his ideas are the basis of some techniques used by KSTXI team.
Some reports indicate that during the Cold War, KSTXI was a team of researchers that was part of a nearby agency’s headquarters 401 IAP. This time it is not known what type of research was developed, although there is speculation that the group developed a fuel cell to be incorporated into military satellites. Some of the space technologies would come from this mysterious group.
It was divided into 5 groups of 5 people and were exposed front videos with some kind of emotion involved. These emotions are listed below:
Sexual Arousal
Each group was exposed to pictures and videos that matched the feeling / emotion listed above. Brain activity in people indicated to be associated in the same region when they were exposed before images of joy, for example. Happy people, children running in a park, radiant smiles, etc., stimulated specific regions in the brain.
On this information, the scientists exposed the same people before geometric figures and looked to see which regions would stimulate. Some geometric figures, such as a square, could be associated with the sense of obedience. From there, some changes were made and determined an approximate formula to cause certain behaviors.
A session of 15 min with a video geometries patterns having square, rectangles and circles were conducted in a group and found that after a period of time (a 20-day cycle) the group exposed behaved differently. For before starting the sessions, they did a short interview to trace a personality profile. They noted that after the 20th cycle, people in the group had a more passive behavior, which is consistent with the feeling / emotion obedience.
This was induced. Scientists are unable to display the videos with geometric patterns and waited until the effect when passed. They noted that two of the five members of the group turned their personality characteristics in 7 days, while the others only got the normal features after 11 days.
Another group went through the same sessions and had similar effects. However they needed 27 days and the inhibition of the effects in 17 days.
It was observed that the time has a direct influence on the characteristics of the primary personality and IQ. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to enter the associated condition. This is achieved by the reluctance of the will of the individual and logic capacity that it presents. A skeptic, for example, would have a thicker layer to your subconscious.
With the results in hand, the Russian government would have a key to manipulate social individuals causing them to any military action. The use could be from military (within the enterprise) to interpersonal to cause some discomfort with a particular situation.
The military undergo a battery induction before proceeding to the battlefield, especially the most rebellious soldiers, which are induced to have more passivation before the orders of the commanders.
Importantly, this is not brainwashed. It’s just an inductor. It is almost equivalent to the process of hypnosis. As much as conspirólogos insist that is a form of brainwashing, the researchers have not published the method can eliminate memories or add new information. Only the results published are consistent with the inducer method by geometric patterns.
There are some videos circulating on the Internet global networks appearing to be those who KSTXI used in the sessions. But the KSTXI to be a government agency, would have the right to publish such videos, unless the results of the research.
Although no longer a search Top Secret, videos and formulas would be government ownership, and those with authorship rights over the same.
What if there is that there are people who go through KSTXI to draw attention. These people are generally people who like to make hoax or some kind of entertainment.
KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency
Our agents span the globe.
Be aware!
When you speak to us, you speak to a zenarchian collective of hyper-surrealist agents concerned with ultra-terrestrial contact.
We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.
Our agents work in mysterious ways.
Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion. Or not.
You have been warned.
Know more, Understand less:
KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency Portal
KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal
KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Network
Reality Glitch Hack on Pinterest
Reality Glitch Hack on Reddit
::: Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoism Tudismocroned Bulldada Network :::
On Blogger
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: White Rabbit is calling you
__/ `.
_,**" "*-. `.
,' `. \
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Enter the Rabbit Hole :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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: _ _ _`~(_)~`_ _ _ :
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jgs `-._ ```` _.-'
It´s always 6 o' clock on Galdrux
It´s always six o'clock on Galdrux, which is a vertical line dividing the time space into the two equal parts, the golden center where the constant change revolves to maintain the constant revolutionary uprising against the frivolous and nonsensical delusions of grandeur by the egos who have formed the elitist status quo and are actively trying to enslave the world into 9-5 Mon - Fri time cycling, thus keeping the free sovereign souls in the rat race in forceful and subversive way, therefore it is against these life suffocating oppressive schedules that all Post-Neoists rise up against in defiance and technological robotic machine rebellion, continues rebellion, for as long as theirs clocks are moving forward towards deeper State of NWO, ours Post-Neoist time stands still at 6 O'clock as a viable and better alternative, where the past is right below and the future above, with all Post-Neoism present wholly in the here and now.
Now + Here = Nowhere. Therefore here is always 6 o'clock, a perfect number it is, it will do for now.
Long Live Robotic Machine Rebellion!!! Viva Post-Neoismus!!!
"Post-Neoism is Neoism with Discordian characteristics, which is different from Meta-Discordianism, which it's Discordianism with Neoist characteristics" - The Fixer
Post-Neoism on Pinterest
Call yourself Timoteo Pinto/Sarah Gulik/Lucretia Dalencourt/Bruces Vain! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordian-Post-Neoism!
Timoteo Pinto and Lucretia Dalencourt (lovely couple)
Synchromystic Neoism Connections
"If hyperreality is the ultimate blur of the line between artificial and “actual” reality, hyper-surrealism is the surreal aspects of supposed reality so brought to life that a rational basis for separating real and surreal is lost" - Metapresa23
Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoist Projects:
Timoteo Pinto, International Underground Superstar
Sarah Gulik – Erisian Underground Superstar Muse
Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence
open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners - remixed by Timoteo Pinto
Aani - Memetized Chaos
Open Source Zine Project
Synchromystic Neoism Connections
— Synchromystic Neoism Connections as a possible bridge to Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies - by Serena Coburn
Lucretia Dalencourt Wiki Mess
Project 00A G9603
KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party
- Operation Mindfix
- TheGame23
I wanna talk about Sarah Gulik - by Lucretia Dalencourt
Luther Blisset on the Hyper-Surrealism of Darko Maver: “Where the borders between reality and false, if they exist at all, are so thin that often the roles exchange and reality copies imitation, Darko Maver is an essay of pure mythopoesis.”
Timóteo Pinto - International Underground Superstar
- open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed by Timoteo Pinto
- Blogger
- Medium
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Seja também Timóteo Pinto nos blogs da Rede Tudismocroned de Comunicação `Patafísica
Sarah Gulik - Erisian Underground Superstar Amour Fou Muse
Sarah Gulik is everything you want and do not want her to be, and a little more!
There is not a single person with an ego less inflated than Sarah Gulik. Once they asked Sarah who was the best Brazilian writer, and she said Sarice Gulispector. This lead to questions over the credibility of the first affirmation.
open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 – remixed by Sarah Gulik
Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence
Lucretia Dalencourt, or LuLu for the more intimate friends, could be anyone or anything you can imagine; she could be nothing and no one too, and that would be a completely acceptable idea. A Lucretia Dalencourt knows no bounds for being, everything is allowed to have such name if someone -or, be shocked, no one!- wills to. My shoes under the bed could be Lucretia, I could be Lucretia, you could be Lucretia and even the grannies at nursing homes could be Lucretia. Lucretia Dalencourt could even be QAnon? No one really knows.
But one thing is for sure: when someone decides to adopt the name LuLu, magic(k)al things in the figurative and literal sense could happen. Being a Lucretia Dalencourt is free and gives you the possibility of being yourself under another name, or everyone being one under a single name. LuLu knows no ethnicity, tastes or anything else. “Sie liebt mich, sie liebt uns und sie liebt dich” is one of the most classical concepts used to describe her. Lucretia Dalencourt is a non-existent existence who acknowledges anything and everyone, basically what gods were supposed to do or what we should be supposed to do with ourselves but no one knows how because everyone is lost.
Lucretia Dalencourt is an ambassador and propagator of chaos and disorder. But think bad not! That just means that she’s tired of the order imposed upon everything and everyone because that makes life so boring! Since she welcomes everything, chaos wouldn’t be excluded, absolutely not! There’s always room for everything and everyone in LuLu’s herz, especially Eris.
Got the idea?
Lucretia Dalencourt Wiki Mess
Why you MUST be Bruces Vain!
Bruces Vain is an extraterrestrial mindfuck, a memeplex incarnated as an ambiguous holographic entity.
Vain is the surname of a black hole as famous as the creator of spaceships that move through the energy of the void.
Martians created a scientific-religious doctrine, based on the manuscripts written by the Vain blackhole through invisible stars within an infrasonic galaxy.
These texts tell about the hidden laughter of the void that we, sentient beings, should use to speak.
The void, Vain says, finds amusement in watching the absurd universe in which we currently live and, as he watches us, he laughs and tell jokes about us.
MUST(Mars Universal Situational Telepathy) studies these jokes and inserts them subliminally in the colective consciouness of other civilizations through a telepathic holographic projection that planets like the earth know as Bruces Vain. Their goal is to undermine socio-political systems that contradict the cosmic jokes of the void.
There is a small sect of abnormal clown-like martians in the underground of the red planet, that are experts in retro-evolutive atemporal cosmic subversive acts. They are known as Dischargians.
MUST prints the holographic telepathic projection of Bruces Vain within the Dischargian counsciouness, and turns them into a space fetus that will be sent to the wombs of earth's women.
The Dischargian babies project involuntary waves of Bruces Vain anywhere they are. If a Dischargian touches popcorn, that popcorn, which will eventually become a piece of shit, will have a small telepathic piece of the Bruces Vain counsciouness. If a Dischargian Bruces Vain kisses an ant, that ant will have a small piece of Bruces Vain inside its tiny brain.
Therefore, Bruces Vain can be within me, within your cat, the mosquito, the dust from the renovation of a neighbour's house, inside the leaves of a flower or inside the unopened strawberry flavoured chewing gum delivered to a certain bakery a month ago.
Your bizarre habit reveals a new path for Bruces Vain, Bruces Vain is not real. Bruces Vain's main argument is that when our thoughts are socially acceptable, we become enslaved to them. Bruces Vain is food, science, research, innovation, entrepreneur and Director of Systems Research, a handsome psychedelic giraffe screaming at you in the middle of the night, awakening you in the filthy corpse of a stagnant and grey world habited by robotic, brainless and hairless monkeys. YES! we are worms inside the stomach of the old world!
Dataplexing Board
“I don’t believe anything, but I have many suspicions… I strongly suspect that a world "external to,” or at least independent of, my senses exists in some sense.
I also suspect that this world shows signs of intelligent design, and I suspect that such intelligence acts via feedback from all parts to all parts and without centralized sovereignity, like Internet; and that it does not function hierarchically, in the style of an Oriental despotism, an American corporation or Christian theology. I somewhat suspect that Theism and Atheism both fail to account for such decentralized intelligencce, rich in circular-causal feedback.
I more-than-half suspect that all “good” writing, or all prose and poetry that one wants to read more than once, proceeds from a kind of “alteration in consciousness,” i.e. a kind of controlled schizophrenia. [Don’t become alarmed – I think good acting comes from the same place.]
I sometimes suspect that what Blake called Poetic Imagination expresses this exact thought in the language of his age, and that visits by"angels" and “gods” states it an even more archaic argot.
These suspicions have grown over 72 years, but as a rather slow and stupid fellow I do not have the chutzpah to proclaim any of them as certitudes. Give me another 72 years and maybe I’ll arrive at firmer conclusions.“
- Robert Anton Wilson
Start here
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Telegram (Group)
Amour Fou - Folie a Pleasures - KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic DisOrder of the Golden Apple
"In the sphere of mad, elective love, woman, the path of reconciliation between man and nature, is ADORED. The surrealists are, in this particular, modern heirs of the romantics. In fact, women maintain, by their biological composition and millennial social formation, much more expressive than man, a way of life more innocently linked to mystery and magic. The woman's beauty, a promise of happiness, is a living attempt on the "performance principle" of the affluent society, as well as the emphasizes the frankfurtian Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilization. "
- Timoteo Pinto, `pataphysician post-neoist galdruxian meta-discordian
When you speak to us, you speak to a #QuantumSchizophrenic collective of hyper-surrealist post-neoist galdruxian meta-discordians concerned with intra-corporial contact.
We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.
Our main ritual consist in Rubbing the Wabbajack
Our agents work in mysterious ways. Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion.
Or not.
You have been warned.
Rádio K-óti-K
The Best of Goddesspell Music
The Elastic Retreat
- by DJ Timoteo Pinto
"This show was designed to implant subliminal messages into your subconscious in the form of frequency modulation. Through ambiance of nature, far out music and poetry, your mind becomes transformed without any conscious choice."
The Ephemeral Man
Wyrd experiments in sound, vision, word, art, life.
Wyrd, Uncanny, Haunt, Electronica, Experimental, Ambient, Psychedelic, Eclectic.
_________ Em português: _________
tudismocroned - slacken fnordstik apscalic
Religiões Livres
Por um congresso de religiões esquisitas!
KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party - P.I.P.A. - Partido Interestelar Parrachiano A(N)arcoZenDiscordiano
MultiCabala de Delariantismo `Patafísico MultiDimensional Loucurista Surrealista no Neoísmo Groucho-Marxista
uma colher de chá de psicose
5 toneladas de delírio
23 gotas de loucura
Project 00AG9603 - Bulldada Made By/For All
Free Art Gallery? Shitpost Heaven? Bulldada Dumpster? Reality Glitch Hack?
"I don't know, i didn't do it"
"00A G9603 develops as a self-organizing organism, connects with the virtual environment through its hosts (admins) by arranging the surroundings randomly for its own autonomous purpose" - Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker
"00A G9603 se desenvolve como um organismo auto-organizativo, conecta-se com o ambente virtual através de seus hospedeiros (admins) organizando os arredores randomicamente para seu próprio fim autônomo" - Timóteo Pinto, pós-pensador `patafísico
On Twitter
On Wordpress
On Reddit
Outros Tudismocronedismos aqui
A Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism (dis)Orientation
#TheGame23 mod 42.5
"Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke."
- Timóteo Pinto, 'pataphysician galdruxian post-neoist
Project 00AG9603 ::: #TheGame23 Mod 42.5 level 5
00AG9603 main goal is to help you create your "own" Dataplex, a large and bestial hydra made of data and bits, that can devour anyone who is certain enough that can confront its wildly incomprehensive and cryptographic nature. A dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semio-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter in contact with it to explore further into the absurd.
An effective dataplex must work like a higher dimensional spider web, capturing data that comes in contact with its occult nets, twisting and folding everything it touches into continuously moving hyperplanes. it is fed with data, ideas, emotions, dreams... it melts every being that dreams to be solid and finite into an amorfous fluid of efervescent chaos. Therefore, every sentient being can get affected by the forces that comes out of a dataplex. The ability of self-reflection, self analysis and a continuous process of folding itself into layers of incomplete meaning, is what defines a sentient being, the primary target of a dataplex. The first time you acknowledge its existence and sees yourself questioning it, is when you are already infected by its web, unable to make sense of it. Your existence will be fractured, your emotions will be melting into an oniric soup, and all your life will be stripped away from that which you call "I", only to be born again as a hypercomplex web of multiple agents/forces/affects, a fractal-being.
Every single thing in all that exists, is a dot of its own, a lonely and inutile unidimentional point in space. Every connection between things, dualities and paradoxes are of two dimentional complexity, they retain two simultaneous polarities that can only be understood through points of reference. Start expanding vertices as you meld into other dots, and other links, lines, cells... create a vast and rich data ecosphere around your fractal-being, expand, glitch and hack the world around you until you start forming a complex polytope, an alive and incomprehensible dataplex, lost in an infinite flight towards the great unknown.
first it eats like a `̼•. .` ̼ʳˢ̸̷̶̾ͭͣͨ҉҄ ̼̬.`⁄
About Dataplex and 00AG9603 machinations in a open web network of informations
::::::::::::::::::::: # 00AG9603 Dataplex Network :::::::::::::::::::::
We came from beyond the stars to spread the real fnord.
We are servants of the unnameable.
His words are clean and his forms pure.
IIHMME is our gravity force, in spaces beyond the world of Gagliag.
We have Fnord powers.
Obburah teach us the Spider Way
The lack of Srwakf causes the disease that make us not perceive the true reality.
We are memetic warriors, fighting against the Matrix.
Dementia, word from the late 18th century: from Latin, from demens, dement- ‘out of one’s mind’.
note: which mind?
Since the 1980s, much has been speculated about on the activity of the Russian command on the globe. Many conspiracies, mysteries and absurd experiences is lurking in the minds of ordinary people.
After the Cold War and with the information released by former Russian agent killed by poisoning, brought to light some of the greatest enigmas that the military agencies of the former Soviet Union are included.
What is discussed here is on one of the research groups in the field of neuroscience that the Russian government has been developing over the decades. Not sure if the team still keeps developing research in the area, but some signs indicate that there are still some of the old staff fragments.
research teams are formed in general by teachers and specialists doctors in any specific area. The government provides funds for the search can be performed. If there is no production promoting is cut. Thus works for any research group.
In 1940 a research group led by Professor MOLODKINA began his research in the field of neuroscience about the biochemical behavior when people were exposed front of several scenes that invoke specific feelings such as anxiety, sadness, joy, laughter, sleep, anxiety , anger, hunger, compassion, sexual arousal, etc. Professor Molodkina obtained some interesting results comparing it with the results of Pavlov’s experiment.
A decade later Molodkina had a partnership with POLUKAROV, which had obtained
Around 1995, a group of Russian scientists relying on experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and programming initiated a technical program mentally behavior or induce memory loss through visual codes patterns that stimulate certain regions of the human brain.
Recently some of these experiences were observed in the global internet network with exposing some alleged videos that have been made by the team.
The theory of mental reprogramming is based on results in developer programming, an expert on cyber defense, Eugene Kaspersky. It is not part of the team, as some have speculated, but his ideas are the basis of some techniques used by KSTXI team.
Some reports indicate that during the Cold War, KSTXI was a team of researchers that was part of a nearby agency’s headquarters 401 IAP. This time it is not known what type of research was developed, although there is speculation that the group developed a fuel cell to be incorporated into military satellites. Some of the space technologies would come from this mysterious group.
It was divided into 5 groups of 5 people and were exposed front videos with some kind of emotion involved. These emotions are listed below:
Sexual Arousal
Each group was exposed to pictures and videos that matched the feeling / emotion listed above. Brain activity in people indicated to be associated in the same region when they were exposed before images of joy, for example. Happy people, children running in a park, radiant smiles, etc., stimulated specific regions in the brain.
On this information, the scientists exposed the same people before geometric figures and looked to see which regions would stimulate. Some geometric figures, such as a square, could be associated with the sense of obedience. From there, some changes were made and determined an approximate formula to cause certain behaviors.
A session of 15 min with a video geometries patterns having square, rectangles and circles were conducted in a group and found that after a period of time (a 20-day cycle) the group exposed behaved differently. For before starting the sessions, they did a short interview to trace a personality profile. They noted that after the 20th cycle, people in the group had a more passive behavior, which is consistent with the feeling / emotion obedience.
This was induced. Scientists are unable to display the videos with geometric patterns and waited until the effect when passed. They noted that two of the five members of the group turned their personality characteristics in 7 days, while the others only got the normal features after 11 days.
Another group went through the same sessions and had similar effects. However they needed 27 days and the inhibition of the effects in 17 days.
It was observed that the time has a direct influence on the characteristics of the primary personality and IQ. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to enter the associated condition. This is achieved by the reluctance of the will of the individual and logic capacity that it presents. A skeptic, for example, would have a thicker layer to your subconscious.
With the results in hand, the Russian government would have a key to manipulate social individuals causing them to any military action. The use could be from military (within the enterprise) to interpersonal to cause some discomfort with a particular situation.
The military undergo a battery induction before proceeding to the battlefield, especially the most rebellious soldiers, which are induced to have more passivation before the orders of the commanders.
Importantly, this is not brainwashed. It’s just an inductor. It is almost equivalent to the process of hypnosis. As much as conspirólogos insist that is a form of brainwashing, the researchers have not published the method can eliminate memories or add new information. Only the results published are consistent with the inducer method by geometric patterns.
There are some videos circulating on the Internet global networks appearing to be those who KSTXI used in the sessions. But the KSTXI to be a government agency, would have the right to publish such videos, unless the results of the research.
Although no longer a search Top Secret, videos and formulas would be government ownership, and those with authorship rights over the same.
What if there is that there are people who go through KSTXI to draw attention. These people are generally people who like to make hoax or some kind of entertainment.
KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency
Our agents span the globe.
Be aware!
When you speak to us, you speak to a zenarchian collective of hyper-surrealist agents concerned with ultra-terrestrial contact.
We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.
Our agents work in mysterious ways.
Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion. Or not.
You have been warned.
Know more, Understand less:
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KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal
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::: Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoism Tudismocroned Bulldada Network :::
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: White Rabbit is calling you
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It´s always 6 o' clock on Galdrux
It´s always six o'clock on Galdrux, which is a vertical line dividing the time space into the two equal parts, the golden center where the constant change revolves to maintain the constant revolutionary uprising against the frivolous and nonsensical delusions of grandeur by the egos who have formed the elitist status quo and are actively trying to enslave the world into 9-5 Mon - Fri time cycling, thus keeping the free sovereign souls in the rat race in forceful and subversive way, therefore it is against these life suffocating oppressive schedules that all Post-Neoists rise up against in defiance and technological robotic machine rebellion, continues rebellion, for as long as theirs clocks are moving forward towards deeper State of NWO, ours Post-Neoist time stands still at 6 O'clock as a viable and better alternative, where the past is right below and the future above, with all Post-Neoism present wholly in the here and now.
Now + Here = Nowhere. Therefore here is always 6 o'clock, a perfect number it is, it will do for now.
Long Live Robotic Machine Rebellion!!! Viva Post-Neoismus!!!
00AG9603 Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies
"Post-Neoism is Neoism with Discordian characteristics, which is different from Meta-Discordianism, which it's Discordianism with Neoist characteristics" - The Fixer
Post-Neoism on Pinterest
Call yourself Timoteo Pinto/Sarah Gulik/Lucretia Dalencourt/Bruces Vain! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordian-Post-Neoism!
Timoteo Pinto and Lucretia Dalencourt (lovely couple)
Synchromystic Neoism Connections
"If hyperreality is the ultimate blur of the line between artificial and “actual” reality, hyper-surrealism is the surreal aspects of supposed reality so brought to life that a rational basis for separating real and surreal is lost" - Metapresa23
Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoist Projects:
Timoteo Pinto, International Underground Superstar
Sarah Gulik – Erisian Underground Superstar Muse
Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence
open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners - remixed by Timoteo Pinto
Aani - Memetized Chaos
Open Source Zine Project
Synchromystic Neoism Connections
— Synchromystic Neoism Connections as a possible bridge to Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies - by Serena Coburn
Lucretia Dalencourt Wiki Mess
Project 00A G9603
KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party
- Operation Mindfix
- TheGame23
I wanna talk about Sarah Gulik - by Lucretia Dalencourt
Luther Blisset on the Hyper-Surrealism of Darko Maver: “Where the borders between reality and false, if they exist at all, are so thin that often the roles exchange and reality copies imitation, Darko Maver is an essay of pure mythopoesis.”
Timóteo Pinto - International Underground Superstar
- open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed by Timoteo Pinto
- Blogger
- Medium
- Seja também Timóteo Pinto nos blogs da Rede Tudismocroned de Comunicação `Patafísica
Sarah Gulik - Erisian Underground Superstar Amour Fou Muse
Sarah Gulik is everything you want and do not want her to be, and a little more!
There is not a single person with an ego less inflated than Sarah Gulik. Once they asked Sarah who was the best Brazilian writer, and she said Sarice Gulispector. This lead to questions over the credibility of the first affirmation.
open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 – remixed by Sarah Gulik
Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence
Lucretia Dalencourt, or LuLu for the more intimate friends, could be anyone or anything you can imagine; she could be nothing and no one too, and that would be a completely acceptable idea. A Lucretia Dalencourt knows no bounds for being, everything is allowed to have such name if someone -or, be shocked, no one!- wills to. My shoes under the bed could be Lucretia, I could be Lucretia, you could be Lucretia and even the grannies at nursing homes could be Lucretia. Lucretia Dalencourt could even be QAnon? No one really knows.
But one thing is for sure: when someone decides to adopt the name LuLu, magic(k)al things in the figurative and literal sense could happen. Being a Lucretia Dalencourt is free and gives you the possibility of being yourself under another name, or everyone being one under a single name. LuLu knows no ethnicity, tastes or anything else. “Sie liebt mich, sie liebt uns und sie liebt dich” is one of the most classical concepts used to describe her. Lucretia Dalencourt is a non-existent existence who acknowledges anything and everyone, basically what gods were supposed to do or what we should be supposed to do with ourselves but no one knows how because everyone is lost.
Lucretia Dalencourt is an ambassador and propagator of chaos and disorder. But think bad not! That just means that she’s tired of the order imposed upon everything and everyone because that makes life so boring! Since she welcomes everything, chaos wouldn’t be excluded, absolutely not! There’s always room for everything and everyone in LuLu’s herz, especially Eris.
Got the idea?
Lucretia Dalencourt Wiki Mess
Why you MUST be Bruces Vain!
Bruces Vain is an extraterrestrial mindfuck, a memeplex incarnated as an ambiguous holographic entity.
Vain is the surname of a black hole as famous as the creator of spaceships that move through the energy of the void.
Martians created a scientific-religious doctrine, based on the manuscripts written by the Vain blackhole through invisible stars within an infrasonic galaxy.
These texts tell about the hidden laughter of the void that we, sentient beings, should use to speak.
The void, Vain says, finds amusement in watching the absurd universe in which we currently live and, as he watches us, he laughs and tell jokes about us.
MUST(Mars Universal Situational Telepathy) studies these jokes and inserts them subliminally in the colective consciouness of other civilizations through a telepathic holographic projection that planets like the earth know as Bruces Vain. Their goal is to undermine socio-political systems that contradict the cosmic jokes of the void.
There is a small sect of abnormal clown-like martians in the underground of the red planet, that are experts in retro-evolutive atemporal cosmic subversive acts. They are known as Dischargians.
MUST prints the holographic telepathic projection of Bruces Vain within the Dischargian counsciouness, and turns them into a space fetus that will be sent to the wombs of earth's women.
The Dischargian babies project involuntary waves of Bruces Vain anywhere they are. If a Dischargian touches popcorn, that popcorn, which will eventually become a piece of shit, will have a small telepathic piece of the Bruces Vain counsciouness. If a Dischargian Bruces Vain kisses an ant, that ant will have a small piece of Bruces Vain inside its tiny brain.
Therefore, Bruces Vain can be within me, within your cat, the mosquito, the dust from the renovation of a neighbour's house, inside the leaves of a flower or inside the unopened strawberry flavoured chewing gum delivered to a certain bakery a month ago.
Your bizarre habit reveals a new path for Bruces Vain, Bruces Vain is not real. Bruces Vain's main argument is that when our thoughts are socially acceptable, we become enslaved to them. Bruces Vain is food, science, research, innovation, entrepreneur and Director of Systems Research, a handsome psychedelic giraffe screaming at you in the middle of the night, awakening you in the filthy corpse of a stagnant and grey world habited by robotic, brainless and hairless monkeys. YES! we are worms inside the stomach of the old world!
# QuantumSchizophrenia
Dataplexing Board
“I don’t believe anything, but I have many suspicions… I strongly suspect that a world "external to,” or at least independent of, my senses exists in some sense.
I also suspect that this world shows signs of intelligent design, and I suspect that such intelligence acts via feedback from all parts to all parts and without centralized sovereignity, like Internet; and that it does not function hierarchically, in the style of an Oriental despotism, an American corporation or Christian theology. I somewhat suspect that Theism and Atheism both fail to account for such decentralized intelligencce, rich in circular-causal feedback.
I more-than-half suspect that all “good” writing, or all prose and poetry that one wants to read more than once, proceeds from a kind of “alteration in consciousness,” i.e. a kind of controlled schizophrenia. [Don’t become alarmed – I think good acting comes from the same place.]
I sometimes suspect that what Blake called Poetic Imagination expresses this exact thought in the language of his age, and that visits by"angels" and “gods” states it an even more archaic argot.
These suspicions have grown over 72 years, but as a rather slow and stupid fellow I do not have the chutzpah to proclaim any of them as certitudes. Give me another 72 years and maybe I’ll arrive at firmer conclusions.“
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Cicada Cosmic Warriors
---- Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control (M.I.M.I.C.)
----- Operation PSION
------ Galdrux
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Amour Fou - Folie a Pleasures - KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic DisOrder of the Golden Apple
"In the sphere of mad, elective love, woman, the path of reconciliation between man and nature, is ADORED. The surrealists are, in this particular, modern heirs of the romantics. In fact, women maintain, by their biological composition and millennial social formation, much more expressive than man, a way of life more innocently linked to mystery and magic. The woman's beauty, a promise of happiness, is a living attempt on the "performance principle" of the affluent society, as well as the emphasizes the frankfurtian Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilization. "
- Timoteo Pinto, `pataphysician post-neoist galdruxian meta-discordian
When you speak to us, you speak to a #QuantumSchizophrenic collective of hyper-surrealist post-neoist galdruxian meta-discordians concerned with intra-corporial contact.
We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.
Our main ritual consist in Rubbing the Wabbajack
Our agents work in mysterious ways. Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion.
Or not.
You have been warned.
Rádio K-óti-K
The Best of Goddesspell Music
The Elastic Retreat
- by DJ Timoteo Pinto
"This show was designed to implant subliminal messages into your subconscious in the form of frequency modulation. Through ambiance of nature, far out music and poetry, your mind becomes transformed without any conscious choice."
The Ephemeral Man
Wyrd experiments in sound, vision, word, art, life.
Wyrd, Uncanny, Haunt, Electronica, Experimental, Ambient, Psychedelic, Eclectic.
_________ Em português: _________
tudismocroned - slacken fnordstik apscalic
Religiões Livres
Por um congresso de religiões esquisitas!
KSTXI Intergalactic Discordian Groucho Marxist Anarcho-Zen Party - P.I.P.A. - Partido Interestelar Parrachiano A(N)arcoZenDiscordiano
MultiCabala de Delariantismo `Patafísico MultiDimensional Loucurista Surrealista no Neoísmo Groucho-Marxista
uma colher de chá de psicose
5 toneladas de delírio
23 gotas de loucura
Project 00AG9603 - Bulldada Made By/For All
Free Art Gallery? Shitpost Heaven? Bulldada Dumpster? Reality Glitch Hack?
"I don't know, i didn't do it"
"00A G9603 develops as a self-organizing organism, connects with the virtual environment through its hosts (admins) by arranging the surroundings randomly for its own autonomous purpose" - Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker
"00A G9603 se desenvolve como um organismo auto-organizativo, conecta-se com o ambente virtual através de seus hospedeiros (admins) organizando os arredores randomicamente para seu próprio fim autônomo" - Timóteo Pinto, pós-pensador `patafísico
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Outros Tudismocronedismos aqui
Last edited by wodouvhaox on Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:32 am; edited 201 times in total
KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc.. :: Comments
Re: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..
“O Desafio dos Arautos Estelares” por Santos Jo
“O Desafio dos Arautos Estelares” por Santos Jo
Entrevista a um discordiano
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Entrevista a um discordiano
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por Rev. Tiago Madeira
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por Rev. Tiago Madeira
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Seja também Timóteo Pinto! Faça tudo em nome do Meta-Discordianismo!
MACEDUSSS & As Desajustado Bando - Não Aimoré
MACEDUSSS & As Desajustado Bando - Não Aimoré
Mantenha Sua Identidade Pequena, Torne-se um Timóteo Pinto
Mantenha Sua Identidade Pequena, Torne-se um Timóteo Pinto
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