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Galdrux Zakdrûgoz

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 Galdrux Zakdrûgoz  Empty Galdrux Zakdrûgoz

Post by wodouvhaox Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:27 pm

The Tower of Galdrux (Galdrux Zakdrûgoz) the sign that shall mark the dominance of Galdrux over the cosmos and its victory against consensus reality. 

Shall be erected in the last years of the current aeon as the ultimate weapon of mass assimilation of minds, the sleepless Eye of Galdrux shall gaze upon every sentient being and claim each counsciousness as its own in a emerging chaotic noosphere that will break all the causal dimensional boundaries and open the gates of the anticosm and beyond upon our reality.



 Galdrux Zakdrûgoz  Tudism17

KSTXI Tudismocroned BullDada Network

Mensagens : 876
Data de inscrição : 2008-02-15


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