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It´s always 6 o’ clock on Galdrux

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It´s always 6 o’ clock on Galdrux Empty It´s always 6 o’ clock on Galdrux

Post by Lucretia Dalencourt Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:10 am

It´s always 6 o’ clock on Galdrux Group-6-5c2a52a81a336
It´s always six o’clock on Galdrux, which is a vertical line dividing the time space into the two equal parts, the golden center where the constant change revolves to maintain the constant revolutionary uprising against the frivolous and nonsensical delusions of grandeur by the egos who have formed the elitist status quo and are actively trying to enslave the world into 9-5 Mon – Fri time cycling, thus keeping the free sovereign souls in the rat race in forceful and subversive way, therefore it is against these life suffocating oppressive schedules that all Post-Neoists rise up against in defiance and technological robotic machine rebellion, continues rebellion, for as long as theirs clocks are moving forward towards deeper State of NWO, ours Post-Neoist time stands still at 6 O’clock as a viable and better alternative, where the past is right below and the future above, with all Post-Neoism present wholly in the here and now.

Now + Here = Nowhere. Therefore here is always 6 o’clock, a perfect number it is, it will do for now.

Long Live Robbotic Machine Rebellion!!! Viva Post-Neoismus!!!
Lucretia Dalencourt
Lucretia Dalencourt

Mensagens : 498
Data de inscrição : 2018-08-01


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