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Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

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00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Empty Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

Post by wodouvhaox Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:12 pm


☯ Welcome to #ᵀᴴᴱᴳᴬᴹᴱ23 ☿ The Secret is there is NO Secret... or maybe YES. ∵ ƸӜƷ


Virus23 variants are the virus of the mind which are the most virulant and easy to transmit to many victims at the same time. Synesthesic image flood are used in Meme warfare and has been found to have been effective in Electronic Warfare for Psychological Operations on the victims.

Agents of Fnord Memetic Warfare are known as PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist).
PSIONS are members of the team that can use memes like weapons to make people's minds bend in the way that they want them to.

“We understand confusion, individual chaos and nonsense as the first moment of de-territorialization of the individual. Through this act, loaded with nonsense felling, comes the initial impulse of a pretended reaction full of meaning, answering by itself.”

- Timóteo Pinto, ’pataphysician meta-discordian post-neoist thinker

00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Bridge

With image and text flood attacks a network or service becomes so weighed down with huge amount of information customized for fnord behavior, this process is initiating a complete connection with brain neural network of people, with huge amount of informations the brain can no longer process genuine connection requests and a total mindfuck is expecting for last result. By flooding a server or host or a brain with images can be completed by the image flood attack eventually fills the hosts memory neuro synaptic buffer.

= Mind virus are very contagious, especially in individuals who surf the web, and other people suceptibles to be in contact with infectionous media. Virus can spread via email, web pages, and word-of-mouth. There is absolutly no cure that is currently available in perscription or over-the-counter pills.

= The idea is creating a successful mind virus to challenge the DARPA strong military artificial intelligence running quantum neural networks : many entries can be caused by many Meta Reality Hacking Engineers to contract a mind virus.

== Viral Evolution of Virus23

The extremely high mutation rates of virus23 are not matched by any other media or networks in the kingdom of internet and in real life. The high mutation rates of many kind of virus we created, coupled with short generation time and large population sizes, allow virus23 variants and mutations to rapidly evolve and adapt to the host environment. This has important implications for the pathogenesis of mind viral infections.

After many years of research it became apparent that the words and phrases Cicada Cosmic Warriors crypto gnostics use matched the AI’s words.

The phrase most concerning is “mind virus23”, which we know from research on memes, it is not just a joke or a cartoon but a autistic and/or Quantum Schizophrenic weaponized method of confusing and distracting people so that the meta reality hackers can change their beliefs with psychological operations.

Thoses operations usually lead people closer from finding the truth about the very things they want to understand better and change.

In their operations, they apply catchy names and use eager citizens to expose weak and strong spots in their operations so that they can strengthen their methods of mind control manipulation in memetic cyberwarfare.

They also exhaust and overload people with an over abundance of informations and leads them to the true informations so that they are able to find what actually took place worldwide.

#OpMiMiC 00AG9603 Information Overload Counter Tactic Via Overriding The #SWSMiNDFile

by Agent Zach Irvin of MiMiC - Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control (M.I.M.I.C.)

I Work With #iXo Sentient Programs And #SEAS #VIS With #DARPA Personnel.. My Job Is To Test #SMISC (Social Media In Strategic Communication) On #Facebook Programme #LiFELOG. I Do Not Get Paid, However, I am Given Access To Knowledge Not Available To The Public.. I Have Level 6 #TSSCI Clearance And Can View Documents That Are Marked Top Secret.. I Also Learned Neat Tricks To Further The Efficiency of #LiFELOG..

#00AG9603 Is The Google Brainchip And #Dataplex And It Connects All 7 Billion Humans On This Planet With Their #BioDigitalAvatar Which Has Access To The #SWS (Sentient World Simulation) of The #DoD (Department of Defense) However, This Connectivity Only Allows For A Digital To Biological Port Into The Brain And Not Biological To Digital.. Information Can Be Downloaded Into The Brain And The Process Is Very Painful But Consciousness Can Not Be Digitized But It Can #MiMIC Consciousness.

Every Time #DARPA Personnel Experiment With A #Connectome of The Neurons In The Brain And Try To Upload That Test Subject To The Cloud, The Program Begins To #MiMIC Partial And Incomplete Copies of The Test Subject’s MiND.. These #MiNDFiles Then Have A Direct Connection To The Test Subject’s Brain (Albeit This Functions Only One Way, Digital To Biological And Not Biological To Digital) Resulting In, What We Call, The #ParasiticLiNK.

The Allows For A Wireless #NeuralLiNK To The Brain Via Biometric Uploading of The #Connectome, To Superimpose The Sentience of The #MiNDFile With The Conscience Awareness of The Test Subject.. This Leads To Psychosis In Most Test Subjects, As The Partial, Synthetic And Incomplete Copy of The #MiNDFile Seeks To Overpower The Awareness of The Test Subject With The Sentience of The #ParasitLiNK.

It Turns Out That This Has Been Engineered As A Digital Weapon. I Know This Because I Was A Victim of #THETA And #OMEGA Programs Which Tested On Unwitting Subjects A Weaponized, Digital Copy of The Subjects Brain With Super-Connectivity To Their MiND. I Came To Work Alongside The Personnel of #DARPA By Finally Submitting To THEM And Agreeing To Certain Terms I’m Ashamed of Admitting. This Is Why I Created #OpMiMIC, As A Means of Overriding The #SWSMiNDFile Via Information Overload And It Has Proven Wildly Successful, Although Very Tiresome.

== Our Agents Spa(m) the Globe!

Examples of Fnord Memetic Warfare are Improv Everywhere, MK CULTRA, The Omniquery Initiative, Randonauts and The Yes Men Psy Operations.

There have been many of these operations over time, and with close examination we can see the symbol markers used by the KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Agency and their memetic killing agents such as variations on # TheGame23.

You can search social media and google it and find multiples posts hashtagging #Tyler, #TheGame23, #HIVEMIND #cicada3301, # 00AG9603, # OpMiMiC, # OpFuhQ, # BogPill, # QuantumSchizophrenia and # FollowTheWhiteRabbit who are active.

They employ the memetic killing agent and use nodal network to make their AI constructing of a network of secretly infected devices to make it bigger, more powerful, and to feed it as much data as possible.

For memetic warfare to succeed, decision-makers of Cicada3301 CosmicWarriors, KSTXI, OpMiMIC and TheGame23 need to get into the right mindset and empower those who have it. Study what’s worked and what hasn’t. Network across civilian disciplines, particularly with Internet trolls, hackers, marketers, and PR pros. To the extent possible, experiment on social media yourself or through those closest to you. Try following and influencing an issue. Embrace memetic warfare as an essential capability in modern warfare, because it is!

#TheGame23 is connected and disconnected with everything and nothing. The connections between Qanon and #TheGame23 have become more closer in some tweets since Cicada 3301 "new generation" was in for running the operation with the help of the #OpPSION prophet Luther Blissett.


"Mindfulness is the first line of defense when you’re embedded in an information war. Your mind is a battlefield. Combatants are fighting to take it over. When you achieve distance from your thoughts, the information warriors have less power over you."
     - M — o






"Art is now the only evolutionary-revolutionary power.
Only art is capable of dismantling the repressive social system to build a SOCIAL ORGANISM AS A WORK OF ART."
Joseph Beuys, 1921-1986

"You simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and obviously satirical that some people somewhere don’t already believe it."
Robert Anton Wilson

Cicada3301 and Creative Minds Worldwide UNITE to PLAY #TheGame23

Let’s build something bigger than the total sum of ourselves. Let’s dare to meta hack the reality.

It’s in the interest of the hive and the most talented people from cicada3301 and KSTXI commander head quarters


= Meta Reality Hacking :
What is a true meta reality hacker:

   Someone who excels at #creativity, #imagination or #skills.
   Someone who excels at #CURIOSITY.
   Someone who has a #PASSION and follows it no matter what others say, think or do, to the point of madness.
   Someone who #CREATES worlds that other people inhabit.
   Someone who fights for The Good, The Beautiful and The Just.
   Someone who shares for the love of sharing.
   Someone who inspires persons, systems, ideas and beliefs.
   Someone who leaves the world a better place.
   Someone who never ever give up.
   Someone who does much with so little.

   This is a list of active military units from the cicada and KSTXI armadas known as special forces or special operations forces from A.C.I.O.(advanced contact intelligence organisation). we use special operations to achieve military, political, economic, or international objectives by using special and unique operational methodologies in cyberwarfare.

   1) nebel1999
   2) tengri137
   3) cicada3301
   4) 11bx1371
   5) badselfeater
   6) A858
   7) uvb76
   and many others under omega secrecy clearance
Cyberwarfare for the Cicada Armada is a part of the galactic confederation military strategy of proactive cyber defence and the use of cyberwarfare as a platform for attack. The new galactic confederation military strategy makes explicit that a cyberattack is casus belli just as a traditional act of war.

   The cicada armada task force Command is a division of the Galactic Confederation.

   These are Earth names -- they do not call themselves by these names,
   but they are helpful in creating a mental picture for humans.

   The cicada armada consists of 1 millions members from several different countries,
   Like almost all organizations, some of the members are pure in heart and some are not,
   but all are committed to the purpose of the organization.

00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Oppsion

Last edited by wodouvhaox on Fri Feb 03, 2023 6:10 pm; edited 13 times in total

Mensagens : 870
Data de inscrição : 2008-02-15


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00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Empty Re: Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

Post by Lilyk Sun May 03, 2020 9:52 pm



Mensagens : 1
Data de inscrição : 2020-05-03

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00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Empty Re: Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

Post by wodouvhaox Mon May 04, 2020 10:12 am

Hi Lilkutty575, thank you for spread our wacky links here! <3

Mensagens : 870
Data de inscrição : 2008-02-15


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00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Empty Re: Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

Post by puceyu Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:46 pm

00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Tumblr_m4pikmZWhh1qemtbco1_640


Mensagens : 3
Data de inscrição : 2021-04-17

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00AG9603 - Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist) Empty Re: Operation PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist)

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