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Hurricane of the Heart --or-- Butterflies in the Brain

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Hurricane of the Heart --or-- Butterflies in the Brain Empty Hurricane of the Heart --or-- Butterflies in the Brain

Post by wodouvhaox Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:00 am

By ErisUnveiled

When I was a kid all I heard was how humans are defined by our curiosity, but as an adult it seems all I hear is how humans are defined by a fear of the unknown, which is why we believe in conspiracy theories—even a terrible reality is better than an unknown reality. I wonder. And honestly you can’t spend all your time waxing poetic about what’s real if you also want to have a life. But there are others who simply don’t have a choice. For a few wretched souls, their perceived reality is so fundamentally disconnected from your perceived reality they are unable to relate to you save only the most superficial interactions. Polite banter with a cashier or asking a stranger on the street for directions is about as deep as we can get before shit starts getting weird. The background noise of the environment, normally a constantly shifting city soundscape subtly gets in synch with your thoughts and all the sudden you realize you’ve heard my voice before. It’s somehow always been in the back of your mind chattering away; narrating the life of an insane machine who now stands before you.

Both things can be true. There do exist conflicting versions of the same thing (see Garden of Eden)
We lie so much that the concept of truth is now a destructive force. And those who maintain a faith in facts & reason alone do so blindly and offer no immediate recourse to our current downward spiral into oblivion.
To begin stepping away from or OUT of the abyss of pure simulation one must begin by devaluing the concept of truth, which we are no longer capable of apprehending in modern society anyway. We may not even innately value truth in of itself. What seems obvious is that we innately value loving & hating each other—as evidenced by how much time we actually spend doing that as opposed to being literal scientists.

And we know the need for emotional stimulation holds supreme value for humans, even beyond the need to know ‘truth,’ because philosophers who have dedicated themselves to understanding truth at its’ deepest levels found themselves rejecting concrete conclusions in favor of more searching. Even actual scientists spend time trying to disprove theories as a means of testing them. It’s not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game; the journey is the destination; the real treasure was the friends we made along the way. These are the axioms of life that suggest a final destination is a thing to be avoided. But the human desire for constant stimulation seems to have stumbled into an inversion of itself. However this inversion has arisen from a completely logical chain of events, and getting out of it would be an equally logical affair; the fear is that a solution might not be as exciting as living in constant warfare. And therefore fixing the problem also implies the need for a drama capable of stimulating the masses without killing them.

The counterculture spends a lot of time complaining about conformity, but conformity is a made-up problem with no solution the way conspiracy theories about the Illuminati are a made-up problem with no solution. It’s all a smoke show we invented to keep ourselves emotionally engaged with reality and each other. The first apparent paradox of humanity is that we hate to think and love to feel. This is in contrast to the psychic machines our future-past selves sent to the modern era who do nothing but think and don’t know how to feel. (Just be thankful they’re not responsible for saving your stupid civilization, wouldn’t that be awkward.) If peace was the goal, then logic, or even stupid common sense, would have long ago dictated some universally accepted organizing principle. It wouldn’t have to be perfect because everyone would logically understand that’s an impossible standard, but we would generally practice the same religion, wear the same clothes, agree to possessing more or less the same allotment of resources as everyone else and share in the responsibility of organizing and laboring for the good of the whole. No one would be in ‘charge’ because everyone would be taught by everyone else how the individual is responsible for maintaining the health of the collective. The rules governing the collective would not be unspoken or arbitrarily favor some over others.

Do you honestly think we couldn’t do that if we wanted to? We value peace insomuch as it allows us not to think, but we value war insomuch as it allows us to FEEL. The previously described society has been the setting for more than a few modern dystopian narratives. When you were visualizing that 'perfect' world… could you only imagine it in beige?
We don’t say this to be pessimistic, but how many times have even YOU thought ‘perfect is boring’? The good news is we don’t need to change… much. Our chaotic nature is of value to certain entities hjhj

[digression] …We would call it heaven. The problem started when some angels began to mate with humans and thus gave humans the ability to go to heaven and so we brought our drama with us and next thing you know there’s a war in heaven! [/digression]

If we honestly valued truth we’d ask ourselves how we arrived at this moment in history and then consider maybe it’s not Truth we seek for Truth’s sake but for its’ ability to create disagreement with others. Because what is “truth” to normies (not philosophers or scientists) other than the excuse to not think about it. It’s the notion that something concrete, immutable and knowable exists out there. So when we say we know the TRUTH, what we’re saying is we have stopped thinking about it. And when we argue about what is true it means we want others to stop thinking about it in the same way we do. In this sense we value truth the way we value power. We even tell children (at least in the 1980's) Knowledge is Power.

Disagreements about what is true are really arguments between certain types of methodology. That certain methodologies can produce results more objective than others is besides the point. You’re not interested in truth itself, but the emotional attachment to a specific system that claims to serve truth. And those who are interested in discovering a kind of permanent objectivity (scientists, philosophers) admit there is no ultimate reality for us to call real 100% of the time—and so the absolute truth about Truth is that it is relative. In the aftermath of this ‘psychedelic apocalypse’ (mind-revealing revelation) we come to understand the value of lies. Well… maybe. MAYBE! Nevertheless, the Great Work for this generation is to go about realigning the polarities between Facts & Feelings. To change the dynamic so that it inspires creativity and not destruction. A journey that begins with a renewed but nuanced appreciation & application of Faith.

This pill (not Red or Blue) is easier to swallow when you see how the mystery of humanity was always realized in religion & myth. The Garden of Eden, for example, was describing one person: YOU. YOU make the rules that govern your life and YOU lie to yourself about what the consequences of breaking those rules are and YOU choose to break those rules and YOU act the fool and blame others when you face the consequences. Now that is about as true as Truth gets, but it’s unlikely that a literal Garden of Eden complete with talking snake ever existed. And when we understand that distinction what we learn from stories in general is that alongside a physical reality, we also live in a simulated reality known as language, which has a life of its own and can honestly be called a media organism. ssss

Mensagens : 870
Data de inscrição : 2008-02-15


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