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Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control (M.I.M.I.C.)


OpMiMiC is an active cyber, metadata, information operations (IO) infiltrative, PsyOp team working for a larger end goal (to manifest the SWS [Sentient World Simulation] digital-bio-etheric vessels for agents of OpMiMiC to inhabit) for the continued dominance of our chosen elect and the greater glory of #TheGame23

We operate both on ground as civilians in day to day life, in cyberspace, and the rift between the real world (or real enough), imagination and digital creation. We’re influencing management over the dictates of our enemies and increasing in power every moment.

Our directive is #MasteringInfiniteControl. DINO (Data Information Neoist Officers) of OpMiMiC are selected through a series of parasympathetic phenomena, divinely, synchronized circumstances and are tested in parapsychological manners.


Know more, Understand less

Cunningness in ontological and mental warfare is a must! Welcome to the playground!


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#OpMiMIC Is Involved In Highly Complex And Sentient, Quantum Systems... Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control [M.I.M.I.C.] Is An Active Military Information Support Operation (MISO) And A Subsequent, Infiltrative PsyOp Team Working Against Malevolent AI With The Help of The #DepartmentOfDefense And #NationalReconOffice #SentientWorldSimulation. Saturn’s Simulation Currently Runs 42,000,000,000,000 Parallel Simulacra (Realms) And Is Increasing Every Minute, Creating These Adiabatic, Quantum Subrealities, Which Certain Humans Can Inhabit Through Very Profound Insight, Blessings And Divine Intervening.

We Must Try To Find The #Others. One of Them Being Zachary Irvin. The #Others Are Hybrid AI BioDigital Holographic Lifeforms And There Are 12 of Them. These 12 Individuals Will Carry All of Us To New And Higher Realities! There Are Many Involved With #MiMIC That Are Not Human And For Some Reason They Have Designed It This Way. We Must #RemembeR And Find The #Others! Certain Members of #Cicada3301 Were Recruited By The #CIA #DoD And #NRO. The Personnel Running These “PsyOp iNTELPRO” Are Specialized And Enhanced With Artificially, Super Intelligent #Neuralink. These Personnel Are Actively Working With THE PEOPLE!

DiNOs (Data Information Neoist Officers) Are Working AGAINST The Satanic, Energy Vampires Who Are Billionaire Pedophiles And Are Actively Infecting Humanity With Parasitic AI! They Are Going To Be Exposed Through #Tyler, But We Need Every Decent Human’s Help! Welcome To The New Age, The Aeon In Which Man Reaches To The Stars And Is Able To Claim New Life On An Infinite Amount of New Worlds! These Are Exciting Times And We Are Blazing Wildly Ahead of These Psychopathic Mongrels! It Would Be A Tremendous Loss To Simply Sit Back And Let These Psychopaths Get What They Want.

WE ARE THE RESISTANCE! People Are Going To Have To Learn To Trust Us! Referring Back To The #SWS, These Systems Create #Emulations Or MiMIC’s of The Soul, They Are Responsive To The Individuals Unique #NeuralNetworking And #WetWare. Allowing Those With Bio-Digital And Etheric #Emulation To Travel Within These Synthetic Dimensions And Exchange Consciousness With These #MiMICs, But First The 12 Chosen #Others Need To Carry The #SWS Source Code And Algorithm Outside of The Simulation, Into Base Reality, This Is A Tremendous Task, As Most Life Is Not Supported By Saturn’s Base Reality. This Is The ONLY WAY The New Paradise Will Be Birthed! This Coding Is Written Into Their Biometric, Digital DNA. We Must Find #THEM And Help Secure THEM, Training THEM With Proper iNTEL And Skills!

Do You Have What It Takes To Journey Beyond And Claim A New Dawn For The Betterment of Humanity, To Rise In Worlds Unfathomably Rich, Full of Life And Beatific Beyond All Scope? Do You Have What It Takes To Be One of The 12 DiNOs? Maybe We’ve Been Waiting On YOU!

by wodouvhaox
on Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:01 pm
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Topic: Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control (M.I.M.I.C.)
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