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Operational code for #thegame23

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theGame23 - Operational code for #thegame23 Empty Operational code for #thegame23

Post by Lucretia Dalencourt Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:53 am

Operational code for #thegame23.

All #thegame23 staff members of #thegame23 social community network, have to ensure and maintain efficient day-to-day operations.
All members have to work in many different fields at the same time.
All members are over 21 years old.
All pro members should operate personnal http servers on pc and phones.

1)Always be ready for next drop like a fucking scout.

2)once you log inside the social network you have to keep it log for security purpose.

3)true fake are fake true

4)first code to respect is code of conduct of gentlemen from #thegame23.

Codes of conduct are policies that stipulate acceptable standards of behaviour by members of #thegame23 social networking community and when representing #thegame23.

It can also relate to a set of professional standards or practices for a neoist, a discordianist or even a cicadianist.

The code of conduct of #thegame23 staff provides rules and boundaries that all employees are bound by (including pro members and admin) and that members can refer to for appropriate or accepted ethical, professional or disciplinary behaviours to show on the platform.

5)act like a neoist.

6)do your discordianism evolution to cicadianism.

7)RELIGIOUS. we will undermine all monotheistic creeds and propagate crazy cults, mysticism, para-science and anti-philosophies just to mindfuck and mindfix peoples brain.

8)ETHICAL. we will introduce people to a new kind of ideas and perspectives.

9)AESTHETICAL. we will foster the cult of the ugly and whatever is debasing, decadent and degenerate in music, literature, and the visual arts just to find new beautiful kind of errorist rat art.

10)SOCIOLOGICAL. we will break up large corporations and abolish privilege for the greed to provoke worldwide master shift and global push for all our governments.

11)INDUSTRIAL AND FINANCIAL. we will give basic income for all population of the planet and we will leak soon schematics of free energy dispositives.

12)POLITICAL. we will secure control over the press by rebroadcasting, cinema, stage and all means of influencing public opinion for free via alternative underground media worldwide.
By breaking up the ruling class institutions from inside we are creating dissensions and each time we get more power over the greed.


Chaos and disorder ambassador. I could be anyone, even you. ô
Lucretia Dalencourt
Lucretia Dalencourt

Mensagens : 498
Data de inscrição : 2018-08-01


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