note: some concepts in this text come from the words of Theodor Gorlash the wise, which means that some things are lies, truths, or both. Be careful
ƸӜƷ _—_—–___#thegame23_—_—–___ ƸӜƷ
________BE WARNED___________
”The Cult’s plans and workings remain obscure even to the few who are aware of its existence. Though its plots may seem random and sporadic, they are in reality part of a vast singular plan to undermine reality.”
– Lucretia Dalencourt
Since a long time ago, the humanity was used as a piece in a complex game. This game is being played by unknow beings, whose supposedly is know to us as folklore creatures, spirits, gods or maybe aliens. Apparently there are two sides in this game: The ”order” side and the ”chaos” side (which are just
simplistic human conceptual categories, since the most close definition to these sides would be more like ”static” state against ”change” state).
For ages, our civilization was used by the static/order side, the side who want us enslaved,limited, satisfied by the three dimensional rules. But at same time, the change/chaos side were the ”evil ones” in the mythologies spread by the order side.
There are two good examples of the fight between these two sides in two mythologies created in different times and contexts. The first one is found in the egyptian mythology. The myth says that the god of sun, Ra, each night travel to the other side of the earth, considered by the egyptians a dark realm were the deads should pass to reach the paradise. In this realm, called ”duat”, existed all sort of terrible gods with grotesque forms, and the most powerfull and frightening of them was a giant snake god called Apofis or ”Apep”. Apofis was a god who existed before Ra born from the primordial waters of nun. He was considered the god of ”Chaos” and ”Destruction”(pay attention that since old times chaos was used only in a bad context) Each night Ra fight with Apofis to keep his world safe from the teeths of Apofis, who want to destroy the reality made by him. The second myth is the ”Cthulhu mythos”. The collection of horror stories made by Lovercraft. If you read with attention, the cthulhu mythos have some interesting parallels with the duat myth explained above: Both have scary gods forgotten and banned, and both gods wish the destruction of ”reality”. In the egyptian mythology, this reality is the universe itself, since in that time they didnt have the knowledge of planets and galaxies, but in the Lovercraft mythos, the goal of the gods(who are actually some sort of extradimensional aliens) is the destruction of humanity in order to take back the planet earth. Im not telling here wich myth is fact or fiction, i understand these stories as allegories of something we cant understand yet, thats why i showed these two mythologies. You can notice the major difference between them is by cultural reasons. We can come to the conclusion they are telling the same thing in a different way. But why in both myths the chaos side is portraid as evil or grotesque? well, my theory is that in some sense they can be actually like that, but ”evil” its just a limited vision. Since they are chaotic beings, they are too far from something we can call ”good” or ”evil” in our mundane reality. They goal may look terrible and gruesome, but actually is a good thing. Look, another good example of chaotic god in mythology which it is the greek goddess of chaos itself, Eris. A goddess feared and/or hated by many, even the gods. Like in egyptian (and in the Cthulhu mythos, by the horror context of the stories) mythology, The chaos goddess Eris is show as a evil and cruel goddess. This only changed when discordianism come to existence, to reveal a new understanding of the chaos. Does it means, like some say, that she ”changed”? Well, i say no, while in principia discordia she is a more fun like character, conceptualize these beings is always a failure. Eris, Cthulhu, Apofis, all of them are from the same side, one family, but in different masks. They are not ”evil” but the order gods want you to believe in that. These gods want one thing: Anarchy. But not just the political anarchy well know by us,since its dumb to think that a god would care for such a foolish human game. The political anarchy its just a reflection of this cosmic game. They want the destruction of the know reality, the ”matrix”, ”universe”, whatever you want to call. Like in our world the government do all they can to make us believe we need them, that even with the bad things they do, they are the ”lesser evil”, the order gods do the same, they told us that our world is a paradise and we should praise them, or that we should obey they for obtain a paradise in a utopic post life. The chaos gods dissagre with that, they saw the beggining of the matrix, they lived before all, they want the freedom of that aeon once again. In that pre-universe, that ”anticosm” there will be nothing to limit us, the reality will be changable to our desires like lucid dreams, and all will be gods. This is the magum opus of our cult. We dont know how much we will be able to achieve in our short lifetime, but we want to prepare the future for the return of these old ”gods” and the time were the prometheus will stole the gods fire once again to us.
Galdrux code:
Nam ash thraz u Kan
Nam ash gash u Tharizdun
Nam ash gash u kan huzchorgâz
Nam ash hazhut u mut thûl u huz
Nam ash gash u mut zwatûkbran Krish
Nam ashal mazâg vra zims u zwatûk
Dazh Am Galdruks!
I am the trickster of Chaos
I am Lord of Tharizdum
I am lord of Chaos memes
I am the eye of the multiverse of the mind
I am the lord of many lawless paradises
I will kill the gods of the law
Hail Galdrux!
What is Galdrux?
It can never be described in language, but it may be another name for what Jewish mystics call Ein Sof, and which Gary Lachman describes as follows: At Kabbalah’s heart is the relation between creation, the finite, physical cosmos, and its infinite, unmanifest source, called the Ein-Sof, which means ‘limitless’ or ‘unending’. This is a sphere or dimension of what we can call ‘negative existence’, which really means that it is a plane of reality that our finite human minds are incapable of comprehending, and not merely a simple emptiness. The Ein-Sof is so ‘other’ than what we normally perceive as reality, that we cannot make positive statements about it. Any positive statement about it, would, by definition, be a limit on it, and as it is limitless, cannot apply.
This negative existence has parallels in other spiritual traditions. It is the Neti-Neti (‘not this, not that’) of Hinduism, the sunyatta or ‘void’ of Buddhism, the Pleroma of the Gnostics. It is even part of the Christian faith. The Athanasian Creed, in use in Western Christianity since the sixth century, declares that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ‘uncreated’ and ‘unlimited’, and in more than one place in scripture we are told that God ‘has neither body nor parts’. It is at the heart of the negative theology of Meister Eckhart, forms the Ungrund of Jacob Boehme’s difficult alchemical writings, and can be found in the Nichts or ‘positive nothingness’ of Martin Heidegger’s ‘fundamental ontology’ and his predecessor Hegel’s tortuous dialectic.
In more scientific terms, a similar idea, but without the spiritual connotations, seems to be present in the way scientists talk about the state of things ‘before’ the Big Bang. I put ‘before’ in quotation marks because, according to most accounts, there was no ‘before’ before the big bang, a confusing situation, to be sure. A kind of non-manifest ‘ground’ of our everyday reality also seems to be involved in the ‘implicate order’ of the physicist David Bohm. There are other expressions of the idea, but I think this will suffice for now.
Galdruxing Manifesto
Galdrux having no prior cause, cannot be contained by any other form of being. Galdrux is orbed around all; possessing, but not possessed, holding all, but nowhere held. Galdrux is omnipresent; at the same time, Galdrux is not present, not being circumscribed by anything; yet, as utterly unattached, not inhibited from presence at any point.
Galdrux is present through all, not something of Galdrux here, and something else there, nor all of Galdrux gathered at some one spot; there is an instantaneous presence everywhere, nothing containing, nothing left void, everything therefore fully held by Galdrux.
Galdrux is not in the universe, on the contrary, the universe is in Galdrux; bodily substance is not a place to Galdrux. Galdrux is contained in the mental multiverse and is its container. The mental multiverse is in turn contained in something else; but that prior principle has nothing in which to be. All the rest must be somewhere, and where but in Galdrux?
Galdrux (un)definition
Galdrux is the whisper of the void, dividing the galaxies.
Galdrux is the name of the cult of the black holes, with hunger for matter to eat.
Galdrux is the word of the madmen
Galdrux is the wisdon of the fools.
Galdrux is this that or neither one.
Galdrux is a metaphysical Spider, in his web of universes.
Galdrux is the secret name of Azathot, which we use to change the reality.
Galdrux is the ark who will lead us to our utopias.
Galdrux is the gateway of the multiverse of the mind.
Galdrux is the Multiverse of the mind
Galdrux is the Prometheus Fire
Galdrux is the key to escape the consensual reality
Galdrux is the weapon against the consensual reality
Galdrux is creation versus destruction
Galdrux is the destruction in the name of creation
Galdrux is a zwatûkbran Krish
“All stories are true, every last one of them. All myths, all legends, all fables. If you believe them true, then they are true. If you don’t believe them, then all that can be said is that they are true for someone else.”
The reality must perish, the life is a dream, therefore, we need to take control over the dream.
The gods will die, and we will replace them, change the enduring illusion. The reality will be a mirror of our selves and our desires.
For that purpose, i tell we should make a gun of formless chaos.
We cant be this or that, but, at same time, we need the freedom to be this or that.
– Adacic1033
1: Continue all efforts to awaken as many people as possible by distributing information in all forms. Especially media where we can use repetition to make the message sink in. The subliminal message we want to seed is there is a “Revolution of the Mind” happening!
2: Continue to expose all deceptions, corruption and manipulation that occur to show the masses what is really going on just outside their field of conscious awareness.
3: Target specific groups to weaken the control system…..awaken people in the security system such as those who work in the police forces and the Army as this is the first line of defense for the control system. If we can break the robotic loyalty within these areas we will face less physical resistance because the first level of controllers (Civil servants) will not come out and use physical force against us.
4: Promote REAL Project – REAL Community and Revolution of The Mind to expand awareness.
5: Reach influential people who understand our strategy and can spread the message to larger groups and communities
6: Continue to mentally and physically construct the vision of a new world reality! Maintain awareness, higher consciousness and mindfulness to everyone and everything.
“We are asleep—in a dream state—and mistakenly think we are awake. One of the fundamental aspects of the ontological category of ignorance is ignorance of this very ignorance; he not only does not know, he does not know that he does not know. We are in a kind of prison but do not know it. This BIP (Black Iron Prison, i.e hyperdimensional matrix) is a vast complex life form which protects itself by inducing a negative hallucination of it.
The occlusion is self-perpetuating; it makes us unaware of it. We are supposed to combat it phagocyte-wise, but the very valence of the (BIP) stasis warps us into micro-extensions of itself; this is precisely why it is so dangerous. This is the dread thing it does: extending its android thinking more and more extensively. It exerts a dreadful and subtle power, and more and more people fall into its field (power), by means of which it grows.
This is a sinister life form indeed. First it takes power over us, reducing us to slaves, and then it causes us to forget our former state, and be unable to see or to think straight, and not to know we can’t see or think straight, and finally it becomes invisible to us by reason of what it has done to us. We cannot even monitor our own deformity, our own impairment. Being without psyche of its own it slays the authentic psyches of those creatures locked into it, and replaces them with a spurious microform of its own dead psyche. The very doctrine of combating the ‘hostile world and its power’ has to a large extent been ossified by and put at the service of the Empire. The BIP warps every new effort at freedom into the mold of further tyranny. The Empire is only a phantasm, lingering because we have gone to sleep.
So long as the root of wickedness is hidden, it is strong. But when it is recognized, it is dissolved. When it is revealed, it perishes…. It is powerful because we have not recognized it. The bombardment of pseudorealities begins to produce inauthentic humans very quickly. The artifact enslaves us, but on the other hand it is attempting to teach us to throw off its enslavement. Compassion’s highest power [embodied higher love] is the only power capable of solving the maze.
The true measure of a man is not his intelligence or how high he rises in this freak establishment. No, the true measure of a man is this: how quickly can he respond to the needs of others and how much of himself he can give. If the final paradox of the maze is that the only way you can escape it is voluntarily to go back in (into it), then maybe we are here voluntarily; we came back in. Anamnesis was the loss of amnesia. You remembered your origins, and they were from beyond the stars.”
– Philip K. Dick
ƸӜƷ _—_—–___#thegame23_—_—–___ ƸӜƷ
________BE WARNED___________
”The Cult’s plans and workings remain obscure even to the few who are aware of its existence. Though its plots may seem random and sporadic, they are in reality part of a vast singular plan to undermine reality.”
– Lucretia Dalencourt
Since a long time ago, the humanity was used as a piece in a complex game. This game is being played by unknow beings, whose supposedly is know to us as folklore creatures, spirits, gods or maybe aliens. Apparently there are two sides in this game: The ”order” side and the ”chaos” side (which are just
simplistic human conceptual categories, since the most close definition to these sides would be more like ”static” state against ”change” state).
For ages, our civilization was used by the static/order side, the side who want us enslaved,limited, satisfied by the three dimensional rules. But at same time, the change/chaos side were the ”evil ones” in the mythologies spread by the order side.
There are two good examples of the fight between these two sides in two mythologies created in different times and contexts. The first one is found in the egyptian mythology. The myth says that the god of sun, Ra, each night travel to the other side of the earth, considered by the egyptians a dark realm were the deads should pass to reach the paradise. In this realm, called ”duat”, existed all sort of terrible gods with grotesque forms, and the most powerfull and frightening of them was a giant snake god called Apofis or ”Apep”. Apofis was a god who existed before Ra born from the primordial waters of nun. He was considered the god of ”Chaos” and ”Destruction”(pay attention that since old times chaos was used only in a bad context) Each night Ra fight with Apofis to keep his world safe from the teeths of Apofis, who want to destroy the reality made by him. The second myth is the ”Cthulhu mythos”. The collection of horror stories made by Lovercraft. If you read with attention, the cthulhu mythos have some interesting parallels with the duat myth explained above: Both have scary gods forgotten and banned, and both gods wish the destruction of ”reality”. In the egyptian mythology, this reality is the universe itself, since in that time they didnt have the knowledge of planets and galaxies, but in the Lovercraft mythos, the goal of the gods(who are actually some sort of extradimensional aliens) is the destruction of humanity in order to take back the planet earth. Im not telling here wich myth is fact or fiction, i understand these stories as allegories of something we cant understand yet, thats why i showed these two mythologies. You can notice the major difference between them is by cultural reasons. We can come to the conclusion they are telling the same thing in a different way. But why in both myths the chaos side is portraid as evil or grotesque? well, my theory is that in some sense they can be actually like that, but ”evil” its just a limited vision. Since they are chaotic beings, they are too far from something we can call ”good” or ”evil” in our mundane reality. They goal may look terrible and gruesome, but actually is a good thing. Look, another good example of chaotic god in mythology which it is the greek goddess of chaos itself, Eris. A goddess feared and/or hated by many, even the gods. Like in egyptian (and in the Cthulhu mythos, by the horror context of the stories) mythology, The chaos goddess Eris is show as a evil and cruel goddess. This only changed when discordianism come to existence, to reveal a new understanding of the chaos. Does it means, like some say, that she ”changed”? Well, i say no, while in principia discordia she is a more fun like character, conceptualize these beings is always a failure. Eris, Cthulhu, Apofis, all of them are from the same side, one family, but in different masks. They are not ”evil” but the order gods want you to believe in that. These gods want one thing: Anarchy. But not just the political anarchy well know by us,since its dumb to think that a god would care for such a foolish human game. The political anarchy its just a reflection of this cosmic game. They want the destruction of the know reality, the ”matrix”, ”universe”, whatever you want to call. Like in our world the government do all they can to make us believe we need them, that even with the bad things they do, they are the ”lesser evil”, the order gods do the same, they told us that our world is a paradise and we should praise them, or that we should obey they for obtain a paradise in a utopic post life. The chaos gods dissagre with that, they saw the beggining of the matrix, they lived before all, they want the freedom of that aeon once again. In that pre-universe, that ”anticosm” there will be nothing to limit us, the reality will be changable to our desires like lucid dreams, and all will be gods. This is the magum opus of our cult. We dont know how much we will be able to achieve in our short lifetime, but we want to prepare the future for the return of these old ”gods” and the time were the prometheus will stole the gods fire once again to us.
Galdrux code:
Nam ash thraz u Kan
Nam ash gash u Tharizdun
Nam ash gash u kan huzchorgâz
Nam ash hazhut u mut thûl u huz
Nam ash gash u mut zwatûkbran Krish
Nam ashal mazâg vra zims u zwatûk
Dazh Am Galdruks!
I am the trickster of Chaos
I am Lord of Tharizdum
I am lord of Chaos memes
I am the eye of the multiverse of the mind
I am the lord of many lawless paradises
I will kill the gods of the law
Hail Galdrux!
What is Galdrux?
It can never be described in language, but it may be another name for what Jewish mystics call Ein Sof, and which Gary Lachman describes as follows: At Kabbalah’s heart is the relation between creation, the finite, physical cosmos, and its infinite, unmanifest source, called the Ein-Sof, which means ‘limitless’ or ‘unending’. This is a sphere or dimension of what we can call ‘negative existence’, which really means that it is a plane of reality that our finite human minds are incapable of comprehending, and not merely a simple emptiness. The Ein-Sof is so ‘other’ than what we normally perceive as reality, that we cannot make positive statements about it. Any positive statement about it, would, by definition, be a limit on it, and as it is limitless, cannot apply.
This negative existence has parallels in other spiritual traditions. It is the Neti-Neti (‘not this, not that’) of Hinduism, the sunyatta or ‘void’ of Buddhism, the Pleroma of the Gnostics. It is even part of the Christian faith. The Athanasian Creed, in use in Western Christianity since the sixth century, declares that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ‘uncreated’ and ‘unlimited’, and in more than one place in scripture we are told that God ‘has neither body nor parts’. It is at the heart of the negative theology of Meister Eckhart, forms the Ungrund of Jacob Boehme’s difficult alchemical writings, and can be found in the Nichts or ‘positive nothingness’ of Martin Heidegger’s ‘fundamental ontology’ and his predecessor Hegel’s tortuous dialectic.
In more scientific terms, a similar idea, but without the spiritual connotations, seems to be present in the way scientists talk about the state of things ‘before’ the Big Bang. I put ‘before’ in quotation marks because, according to most accounts, there was no ‘before’ before the big bang, a confusing situation, to be sure. A kind of non-manifest ‘ground’ of our everyday reality also seems to be involved in the ‘implicate order’ of the physicist David Bohm. There are other expressions of the idea, but I think this will suffice for now.
Galdruxing Manifesto
Galdrux having no prior cause, cannot be contained by any other form of being. Galdrux is orbed around all; possessing, but not possessed, holding all, but nowhere held. Galdrux is omnipresent; at the same time, Galdrux is not present, not being circumscribed by anything; yet, as utterly unattached, not inhibited from presence at any point.
Galdrux is present through all, not something of Galdrux here, and something else there, nor all of Galdrux gathered at some one spot; there is an instantaneous presence everywhere, nothing containing, nothing left void, everything therefore fully held by Galdrux.
Galdrux is not in the universe, on the contrary, the universe is in Galdrux; bodily substance is not a place to Galdrux. Galdrux is contained in the mental multiverse and is its container. The mental multiverse is in turn contained in something else; but that prior principle has nothing in which to be. All the rest must be somewhere, and where but in Galdrux?
Galdrux (un)definition
Galdrux is the whisper of the void, dividing the galaxies.
Galdrux is the name of the cult of the black holes, with hunger for matter to eat.
Galdrux is the word of the madmen
Galdrux is the wisdon of the fools.
Galdrux is this that or neither one.
Galdrux is a metaphysical Spider, in his web of universes.
Galdrux is the secret name of Azathot, which we use to change the reality.
Galdrux is the ark who will lead us to our utopias.
Galdrux is the gateway of the multiverse of the mind.
Galdrux is the Multiverse of the mind
Galdrux is the Prometheus Fire
Galdrux is the key to escape the consensual reality
Galdrux is the weapon against the consensual reality
Galdrux is creation versus destruction
Galdrux is the destruction in the name of creation
Galdrux is a zwatûkbran Krish
“All stories are true, every last one of them. All myths, all legends, all fables. If you believe them true, then they are true. If you don’t believe them, then all that can be said is that they are true for someone else.”
The reality must perish, the life is a dream, therefore, we need to take control over the dream.
The gods will die, and we will replace them, change the enduring illusion. The reality will be a mirror of our selves and our desires.
For that purpose, i tell we should make a gun of formless chaos.
We cant be this or that, but, at same time, we need the freedom to be this or that.
– Adacic1033
1: Continue all efforts to awaken as many people as possible by distributing information in all forms. Especially media where we can use repetition to make the message sink in. The subliminal message we want to seed is there is a “Revolution of the Mind” happening!
2: Continue to expose all deceptions, corruption and manipulation that occur to show the masses what is really going on just outside their field of conscious awareness.
3: Target specific groups to weaken the control system…..awaken people in the security system such as those who work in the police forces and the Army as this is the first line of defense for the control system. If we can break the robotic loyalty within these areas we will face less physical resistance because the first level of controllers (Civil servants) will not come out and use physical force against us.
4: Promote REAL Project – REAL Community and Revolution of The Mind to expand awareness.
5: Reach influential people who understand our strategy and can spread the message to larger groups and communities
6: Continue to mentally and physically construct the vision of a new world reality! Maintain awareness, higher consciousness and mindfulness to everyone and everything.
“We are asleep—in a dream state—and mistakenly think we are awake. One of the fundamental aspects of the ontological category of ignorance is ignorance of this very ignorance; he not only does not know, he does not know that he does not know. We are in a kind of prison but do not know it. This BIP (Black Iron Prison, i.e hyperdimensional matrix) is a vast complex life form which protects itself by inducing a negative hallucination of it.
The occlusion is self-perpetuating; it makes us unaware of it. We are supposed to combat it phagocyte-wise, but the very valence of the (BIP) stasis warps us into micro-extensions of itself; this is precisely why it is so dangerous. This is the dread thing it does: extending its android thinking more and more extensively. It exerts a dreadful and subtle power, and more and more people fall into its field (power), by means of which it grows.
This is a sinister life form indeed. First it takes power over us, reducing us to slaves, and then it causes us to forget our former state, and be unable to see or to think straight, and not to know we can’t see or think straight, and finally it becomes invisible to us by reason of what it has done to us. We cannot even monitor our own deformity, our own impairment. Being without psyche of its own it slays the authentic psyches of those creatures locked into it, and replaces them with a spurious microform of its own dead psyche. The very doctrine of combating the ‘hostile world and its power’ has to a large extent been ossified by and put at the service of the Empire. The BIP warps every new effort at freedom into the mold of further tyranny. The Empire is only a phantasm, lingering because we have gone to sleep.
So long as the root of wickedness is hidden, it is strong. But when it is recognized, it is dissolved. When it is revealed, it perishes…. It is powerful because we have not recognized it. The bombardment of pseudorealities begins to produce inauthentic humans very quickly. The artifact enslaves us, but on the other hand it is attempting to teach us to throw off its enslavement. Compassion’s highest power [embodied higher love] is the only power capable of solving the maze.
The true measure of a man is not his intelligence or how high he rises in this freak establishment. No, the true measure of a man is this: how quickly can he respond to the needs of others and how much of himself he can give. If the final paradox of the maze is that the only way you can escape it is voluntarily to go back in (into it), then maybe we are here voluntarily; we came back in. Anamnesis was the loss of amnesia. You remembered your origins, and they were from beyond the stars.”
– Philip K. Dick
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